crimes against the elderly

All posts tagged crimes against the elderly

Higher Penalties For Those Who Assault The Elderly

Published October 28, 2012 by melissamaree


It is absolutely unacceptable that crimes against the elderly mean that they have cause to be fearful in their own homes or anywhere else. Crimes against those who cannot protect themselves are committed by weak people who are a danger to society and the penalties should reflect this. I was absolutely outraged this morning to read of yet another assault on an elderly person > here.

Violence is disgusting in all of its forms, what kind of world is this when a 72 year old woman is injured in her own home? We need to take a stand and make it known that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated! Preying on the vulnerable in this way is a sick, sick act that should be reacted to accordingly.

Have we become so complacent and so desensitised to hearing these kinds of stories that we have simply learnt not to react? The reactions to news report about crimes of this nature are of course expressions of disgust. It seems though that we are not reacting as strongly as we should be. Next time you see a report like this … ask yourself, if this was my Grandmother would I turn the page and keep reading? Or would I swear to seek justice no matter what the cost? Crimes against the elderly must be stopped!